Friday, July 9, 2010

If ya hear me girls, raise your hand!

  • This post is dedicated to all my girlfriends with special attention to my three favorite ladies who have been there for me through thick and thin. Without them, I would not be who I am today. Their unconditional love and understanding has been both an inspiration and necessity in my life. Thank you for all that you do, all that you are and all that you will be. I love you all!
  • Now... This post is also inspired by the so called "men" who come in and out of our lives and think they can just walk all over us... For the record, ya can't. Dating is hard- you don't need Dr. Phil to tell you that. It doesn't get any easier when all you have is a life full of frogs- or frogs who you think are princes but then suddenly POOF back into Toads (who are worse than frogs... they are frogs that are liars!) However, I guess I owe all of the boys a bit of gratitude. Without you I would not have some of the best and most hilarious stories of my life. Without you I wouldn't get to have my girls nights with buckets of coronas... Without you I wouldn't know what I want in my life and would probably continue to settle for guys like... well... you. So a big thanks to all of you out there who we have crush on, liked, loved, dated or are about to- But I don't really need to say any more because I think the following lyrics will explain it all.
  • Special Note: I may or may not have revamped a certain area... to make it more personal.

Here's To Finding A Good Man- By Danielle Peck

Here's to finding a good man
Got a bucket of Corona,
Enough stories to last all night,
About the trials and tribulations,
Of findin' Mr. Right
Of findin' a good man.
Here's to the liars and the cheaters
And the cold mistreaters
To the mama's boys who can't make a stand.
Here's to the superficial players
The I love you too-soon sayers
if you hear me girls raise your hand
Let's have a toast,
Here's to findin' a good man!
Blind dates and horror stories
Pushy guys and fast movers
Let's dedicate this girl's night out
To big talkers, bad losers
It's so hard findin' a good man.
Here's to the liars and the cheaters
And the cold mistreaters
To the mama's boys who can't make a stand
Here's to the superficial players
The I love you too-soon sayers
If you hear me girls raise your hand
Let's have a toast
Here's to findin' a good man.
Allie, I know you want perfection.
Megz, you wanna listener.
Malia, your list is gettin' long
And girls, you know ME, I just want a good kisser.
Here's to the liars and the cheaters
And the cold mistreaters
To the mam's boys who can't make a stand
Here's to the superficial platers
The I love you too-soon sayers
If you hear me girls raise your hand
Let's have a toast
Here's to findin' a good man!


  1. There are not words to express how true this is. The boys we hate for the crap they brought us are the boys we have to thank for the best stories of our lives. The laughter they supply us with the stories of failed relationships is just too amazing to not be grateful for. They really did start out as frogs, turned to toads instead of princes...but left us with the opportunities to move on and find our prince. Meanwhile, all we need is each other! You ladies are amazing! Here's to finding a good man!!!

  2. Is it sad that when I hear the word toad I can only think of one thing.... hehe.
    Defintely a song meant for us, I can't hear it and not think of all the amazingness that the C.P.E has all are truly beautiful and wonderful people.
