One by U2
Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
You got someone to blame
You say
One love
One life
When it's one need, in the night
One love
We get to share it
Leaves you baby if you
Don't care for it
Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's
Too late
To drag the past out into the light
We're one, but we're not the same
We get to, carry each other
Carry each other
Have you come here for forgiveness?
Have you come to raise the dead?
Have you come here to play Jesus?
To the lepers in your head
Did I ask too much?
More than a lot.
You gave me nothing, now it's all I got.
We're one
But we're not the same
Well we hurt each other
Then we do it again
You say
Love is a temple, Love is a higher law
Love is a temple, Love the higher law
You ask me to enter, but then you make me crawl
And I can't be hold on
To what you got, when all you got is hurt
One Love
One Blood
One Life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to, Carry each other
Carry each other
Sometimes I am baffled by the behaviors I see among humans. Us as people treat those dearest to us horribly. It seems that there is nothing but hypocrisy, false expectations, lies and vindictive words. All this is based on the fact that, humans as a whole are selfish- I am one of those humans. But what I try to remember is we only have "One life", so why waste time fighting?
I think its interesting how the people we hurt the most tend to be the ones we can't live without. Why do we do that? Is it cause we think they will always forgive us? Is it cause we believe they will always be there for us, so how we treat them does not matter? Do we honestly think that we have the right to hold people to certain standards that we ourselves cannot meet? If people continue to treat others with these mindsets, we will find ourselves alone.
This thing called life is a gift. The people that come in and out of it are treasures- and are there for a reason. However, we should not take anyone for granted. Like the song says, there is one love, one life. We get to share it, leaves you baby if you don't care for it. People come into your life, but they choose to stick around. It is important for us to watch what we say, watch how we treat them because in a second they could be gone.
Life is a roller coaster, with plenty of ups and downs- but who enjoys riding rides alone? I most certainly don't. I want someone there with me for the sharp turns, the smooth passages, the sudden drops, the hard climbs up a steep hill, the screaming and the laughing. We are all similar in the sense that we all are trying to survive this crazy thing called life- but we aren't the same. We go through different things, we experience hard ships and love differently. However, we should be willing to help each other along the way. It is a true fact that we're one, but we're not the same and I think its a privilege (and a responsibility) that we get to carry each other through life. But if we are unwilling to be helpful, forgiving, compassionate, respectful, loving and gracious towards others- how can we expect them to be those things towards us?
I believe that Love is temple and that Love is a higher law. To those who are reading this, I hope that you look at the lyrics and realize people are in your life for a reason. Life itself is hard enough, don't make being apart of yours any more difficult than it needs to be. Those people you cherish won't always be there, maybe by choice and maybe not.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
We are miracles, wrapped up in chemicals
This song really hit home today.
Wonderful- by Gary Go
The person that you were has died
You've lost the sparkle in your eyes
You fell for life- into its traps
Now you wanna bridge the gaps (repeat line)
Now you want that person back
And all your ammunition's gone
run out of fuel to carry on
You don't know what you wanna do
Cause what you want does not want you
If what you want does not want you
And you've got no pull to pull you through
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say "I am wonderful"
If what you've lost cannot be found
And the weight of the world weighs you down
No longer with the will to fly
You stop to let it pass you by
Don't stop to let it pass you by
You've gotta look yourself in the eye
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say " I am wonderful"
Oh you are
Cause we are all miracles
Wrapped up in chemicals
We are incredible
Don't take it for granted, no
We are all miracles
Oh we are
Say " I am"
Say " I am "
Say " I am wonderful"
Oh you are
Don't take it for granted, no
We are all miracles
Wrapped up, yeah we're wrapped up
Oh we are wonderful.
I think today we are so bombarded by what we "should be" doing, who we "should be" or how we "should be" acting. It seems society is constantly focusing on our failures, rather than our accomplishments. I think it starts at a very young age and it follows us into our adult years. My mother has always taught me that when I walk into a room full of strangers to not be nervous. She said " You Jenna are a wonderful person who has a lot to give. If someone doesn't like you, do not waste your time, it is their loss for missing out on the possibility of having a great person in their life." My parents have always encouraged me to be who I want to be and have told me to love myself and the mistakes I've made.
Confidence is something that everyone struggles with, whether its not having any to having a little too much. But I believe confidence is only good if people can be humble and gracious. I am not perfect, and these are qualities that I struggle with. But something I learned a while ago is that I WILL make mistakes, I WILL fall short of the glory of God, I WILL hurt others- I will do all these things and than some. But what I also understand is that I need to seek forgiveness and strive to avoid making the same mistake twice. My mistakes don't make me a bad person, they make me human and its part of my nature. I think mistakes are wonderful things, if you treat them right! They are a learning experience to help you become a better person. Who doesn't want to be better? Who doesn't want to be a role model or an inspiration to others? I have confidence in myself, I believe I am a good person with a good heart. But I also understand that I will mess up a lot. I am not scared of my future mistakes, nor do I dwell to much on past ones. I take what I can and learn how to avoid them in the future. I listen to those I have wronged and I listen to myself. Every one has a little Jiminy Cricket inside them, its just up to us to listen to him.
So to whoever is reading this- please remember that you are a wonderful person mistakes and all. Someone loves you for who you are right here, right now. Someone loves you for the person you have yet to become and are excited to see you grow. Someone somewhere wants to help you with whatever you need help with- let them. Please know that someone looks up to you and thinks of you as an inspiration to them- so try to be a good one :) But understand that the best love you can ever receive, besides the unconditional love and forgiveness that has already been given to you long ago, is the love that you give to yourself- love yourself and others will love you too.
Wonderful- by Gary Go
The person that you were has died
You've lost the sparkle in your eyes
You fell for life- into its traps
Now you wanna bridge the gaps (repeat line)
Now you want that person back
And all your ammunition's gone
run out of fuel to carry on
You don't know what you wanna do
Cause what you want does not want you
If what you want does not want you
And you've got no pull to pull you through
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say "I am wonderful"
If what you've lost cannot be found
And the weight of the world weighs you down
No longer with the will to fly
You stop to let it pass you by
Don't stop to let it pass you by
You've gotta look yourself in the eye
Say "I am"
Say "I am"
Say " I am wonderful"
Oh you are
Cause we are all miracles
Wrapped up in chemicals
We are incredible
Don't take it for granted, no
We are all miracles
Oh we are
Say " I am"
Say " I am "
Say " I am wonderful"
Oh you are
Don't take it for granted, no
We are all miracles
Wrapped up, yeah we're wrapped up
Oh we are wonderful.
I think today we are so bombarded by what we "should be" doing, who we "should be" or how we "should be" acting. It seems society is constantly focusing on our failures, rather than our accomplishments. I think it starts at a very young age and it follows us into our adult years. My mother has always taught me that when I walk into a room full of strangers to not be nervous. She said " You Jenna are a wonderful person who has a lot to give. If someone doesn't like you, do not waste your time, it is their loss for missing out on the possibility of having a great person in their life." My parents have always encouraged me to be who I want to be and have told me to love myself and the mistakes I've made.
Confidence is something that everyone struggles with, whether its not having any to having a little too much. But I believe confidence is only good if people can be humble and gracious. I am not perfect, and these are qualities that I struggle with. But something I learned a while ago is that I WILL make mistakes, I WILL fall short of the glory of God, I WILL hurt others- I will do all these things and than some. But what I also understand is that I need to seek forgiveness and strive to avoid making the same mistake twice. My mistakes don't make me a bad person, they make me human and its part of my nature. I think mistakes are wonderful things, if you treat them right! They are a learning experience to help you become a better person. Who doesn't want to be better? Who doesn't want to be a role model or an inspiration to others? I have confidence in myself, I believe I am a good person with a good heart. But I also understand that I will mess up a lot. I am not scared of my future mistakes, nor do I dwell to much on past ones. I take what I can and learn how to avoid them in the future. I listen to those I have wronged and I listen to myself. Every one has a little Jiminy Cricket inside them, its just up to us to listen to him.
So to whoever is reading this- please remember that you are a wonderful person mistakes and all. Someone loves you for who you are right here, right now. Someone loves you for the person you have yet to become and are excited to see you grow. Someone somewhere wants to help you with whatever you need help with- let them. Please know that someone looks up to you and thinks of you as an inspiration to them- so try to be a good one :) But understand that the best love you can ever receive, besides the unconditional love and forgiveness that has already been given to you long ago, is the love that you give to yourself- love yourself and others will love you too.
Monday, May 24, 2010
All I need is the air I breathe...
I was driving the other day and a OneRepublic song came on my iPod that just spoke so true to some of the feelings I have about a lot things, people and situations in my life.
Say (All I Need)
Do you know where your heart is?
Do you think you can find it?
Or did you trade it for something
Somewhere better just to have it?
Do you know where your love is?
Do you think that you lost it?
You felt it so strong, but
Nothing's turned out how you wanted.
Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold
Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest my head.
Do you know what your fate is?
And are you trying to shake it?
You're doing your best and
Your best look
You're praying that you make it.
Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold
Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest my head
Do you think you can find it? (repeat three times)
Better than you had it
Do you think you can find it? (repeat three times)
Better than you had it.
Whenever the end is
Do you think you can see it?
Well, until you get there
Go on, go ahead and scream it
Just say it.
Often times I find myself so wrapped up in "things" that I think will make me happy- when in realty I should be thankful for what I have right here, right now. I am healthy, I have a job, I have great friends and an amazing family. I think everyone goes through a period of searching for something better. During that journey I think people figure out that what they really need- they already have. But then there are people that take a few more detours on their journey and lose people along the way.
I guess this song just made me think about what is important to me and what is worth sacrificing. It reminded me not to take things for granted and to be aware that those who are dear to me may not always be there due to actions that are in my control, and actions that are out of my control.
It also reminded me to live in the moment. I don't know whats around the corner, and there is no sense in dwelling on it. I am just going to try and live my life the best that I can. I am going to enjoy and cherish every moment I have with the people I care about, because you never know "whenever the end is" (like the song says).
So for right now, "All I need, is the air I breathe and a place to rest my head."
Say (All I Need)
Do you know where your heart is?
Do you think you can find it?
Or did you trade it for something
Somewhere better just to have it?
Do you know where your love is?
Do you think that you lost it?
You felt it so strong, but
Nothing's turned out how you wanted.
Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold
Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest my head.
Do you know what your fate is?
And are you trying to shake it?
You're doing your best and
Your best look
You're praying that you make it.
Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold
Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest my head
Do you think you can find it? (repeat three times)
Better than you had it
Do you think you can find it? (repeat three times)
Better than you had it.
Whenever the end is
Do you think you can see it?
Well, until you get there
Go on, go ahead and scream it
Just say it.
Often times I find myself so wrapped up in "things" that I think will make me happy- when in realty I should be thankful for what I have right here, right now. I am healthy, I have a job, I have great friends and an amazing family. I think everyone goes through a period of searching for something better. During that journey I think people figure out that what they really need- they already have. But then there are people that take a few more detours on their journey and lose people along the way.
I guess this song just made me think about what is important to me and what is worth sacrificing. It reminded me not to take things for granted and to be aware that those who are dear to me may not always be there due to actions that are in my control, and actions that are out of my control.
It also reminded me to live in the moment. I don't know whats around the corner, and there is no sense in dwelling on it. I am just going to try and live my life the best that I can. I am going to enjoy and cherish every moment I have with the people I care about, because you never know "whenever the end is" (like the song says).
So for right now, "All I need, is the air I breathe and a place to rest my head."
Friday, May 21, 2010
I forgot how intimidating a blank page can be- Suddently I have got this pit in my stomach like I used to get in college when I was forced to write some profound paper on some topic that I had chosen. It was usually at that moment I cursed myself for picking said topic and wishing I would have chosen a more in depth one that provided more information for me to write on.
However, this is not an assignment that a professor has given me- which for the record I think they gave us those horrible assignments to watch us cry and see how haggard we look the day the paper is due (seeing that the majority of most college students stayed up all night finishing the paper)- so this "pit" I have in my stomach will go away at some point.
Now even though I have complained about writing papers and the painful research that went into those papers- I must admit I miss it all. It will be two years since I graduated from college, and looking back on it, not only do I miss the life (part time job, campus life, people, parties etc.) but I miss learning. The challenges that all my classes gave me, albeit stressful at the time, were some of the best learning experiences I have ever encountered! But for the record- I do not miss multiple choice tests- that just shows how lazy a teacher/professor is! I miss the research papers, the presentations, the projects and the lectures. Even my most hated class, Art History, I do miss all the beautiful statues and paintings that I studied and the culture that came along with those pieces of art. Plus the professor was a little nuts, so she made it just a tad more entertaining. Side note: I hated being tested on all the pieces of art- it was the only final where it literally took the whole 3 hours. I have never seen so many different forms of Buddha in my life!
Anyways, I am hoping that by blogging my brain will once again be stimulated :)
Tune in next time for more thoughts by me!
However, this is not an assignment that a professor has given me- which for the record I think they gave us those horrible assignments to watch us cry and see how haggard we look the day the paper is due (seeing that the majority of most college students stayed up all night finishing the paper)- so this "pit" I have in my stomach will go away at some point.
Now even though I have complained about writing papers and the painful research that went into those papers- I must admit I miss it all. It will be two years since I graduated from college, and looking back on it, not only do I miss the life (part time job, campus life, people, parties etc.) but I miss learning. The challenges that all my classes gave me, albeit stressful at the time, were some of the best learning experiences I have ever encountered! But for the record- I do not miss multiple choice tests- that just shows how lazy a teacher/professor is! I miss the research papers, the presentations, the projects and the lectures. Even my most hated class, Art History, I do miss all the beautiful statues and paintings that I studied and the culture that came along with those pieces of art. Plus the professor was a little nuts, so she made it just a tad more entertaining. Side note: I hated being tested on all the pieces of art- it was the only final where it literally took the whole 3 hours. I have never seen so many different forms of Buddha in my life!
Anyways, I am hoping that by blogging my brain will once again be stimulated :)
Tune in next time for more thoughts by me!
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